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Getting to know Peter Greenman

In our church service on Sunday we interviewed Peter Greenman, who will be starting as our Ministry Trainee for children's ministry in September.

Since we didn't have time to get through all of the wonderful questions, Peter has kindly written his answers up:

What is your favourite sport?


Do you have any pets? no

What subject did you study at uni? I studied chemistry

What did you have for breakfast? I had a bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes and a glass of orange juice

What are you most looking forward to in Henley Trinity@4?

I'm looking forward to the number of opportunities that we'll have at trinity@four - all sorts of new ventures

What colour are your socks? Grey socks

When did you become friends with Jesus? I remember first making a decision to be friends with Jesus when I was about 7 or 8 at a Spring Harvest event

What football team do you support?


What sports do you like? I like all sports and will watch them all on TV but my favourite is cricket

What did you read at uni? Chemistry

What's your favourite Pringle flavour? Salt and vinegar

What's your favourite food? Too close to call between pizza or lasagne

What languages do you speak?

English and gibberish (my GCSE French is too rusty to count!)

What is your favourite book? Novel- to kill a mockingbird; Christian book - Mere Christianity

What is your favourite Ice cream flavour? mint choc chip

What activities will you do with the youth? Not sure yet but hopefully plenty of big silly games and maybe some things involving food! [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

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