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Trinity at Four Welcome & Refreshments

In his first letter, Peter encourages his listeners to "keep loving one another earnestly" and - almost in the same breath - he commands them to "show hospitality to one another without grumbling" (1 Peter 4:8-9). Clearly then, to show love and to cheerfully serve one another are inseparable acts! It is our aim in the Welcome & Refreshments ministry to do just this - to serve church regulars and newcomers with joy. As God generously adds to our numbers at Trinity @ Four, and brings a steady trickle of newcomers through our doors (including many hungry children!), it becomes increasingly vital that our ministry is effective and fit-for-purpose.

In practical terms, we are divided into three parts:

(1) the Welcome Team, who warmly greet people at the door before the service, hand out Bibles, and strike up conversations with people after the service (speak to Mandy Wright).

(2) the Food Preparation Team, who prepare a cooked children's dinner in advance and deliver it to church before the service (in urgent need, speak to Mandy Wright).

(3) the Refreshments Team, who are in charge of bringing cold snacks/fruit/biscuits, setting up food tables, serving tea, coffee and kid's dinner, and then washing up (speak to Matt or Fleur Clough).

In the same passage, Peter explains that the end result of our serving is that "in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ" (v.11). Please pray that we will indeed bring glory to Him! And would you also consider joining our ministry - in as big or small a way as you feel able?

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