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A strange summer...

2020 will go down as one of the strangest years on record. Home-schooling, Zoom, furlough; these once alien words and ideas are now all too familiar after the last 4 months...and now it’s the summer holidays!

It’s going to be a strange summer for sure: fewer activities running, less sport on the telly and foreign travel looking uncertain. But hopefully all the strangeness of these past few months has shaken up our old ideas and helped us see the opportunities around us.

More time at home with the kids (and not battling with home-schooling) means that there are loads of little chances to make Jesus part of the everyday:

  • You’re in the garden or on a walk and you see all the amazing plants and animals - you can remind them of how God made everything and made it perfect and thank him for it;

  • You’re tidying up the mess after a craft and you can talk about how wonderful it is that God cleans up our mess by sending Jesus to die on the cross;

  • You’re all tired out after playing games and you can thank God for our amazing bodies and how he’s given us them to praise him with.

The possibilities are endless for those little spontaneous moments and the chance to drip by drip teach and remind kids of wonderful truths that can then take root and grow in their lives.

Summer always messes up all our usual routines and patterns so it can be a great time to introduce something new. There are all sorts of good ‘holiday habits’ you can get into as a family that can maybe carry on into term time too! Here are just a couple of ideas:

  • Chatting on a Monday about what was taught on Sunday at church - maybe doing the craft or worksheet together;

  • Spending a few minutes reading a bit of the Bible together and thinking about it after dinner;

  • Having a CD or playlist of Christian music lined up for those long car journeys - singing along and talking together about what they mean.

There are loads of great resources available to help; there are some recommendations here or get in touch - I love finding and recommending kids materials!

Learning about God, growing in love and knowledge for Jesus is not just something that happens on a Sunday. It’s not just for term time. Children don’t need camps or holiday clubs to do it. With a bit of prayer and a willingness to see the opportunities around us, the summer holidays can be a great time to do this, even in this strangest of summers.

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