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T@4 Christmas Appeal 2021

As many of you will know, each December we try to put a focus on helping those in our community who might benefit from some extra support at Christmas time, and this year is no exception.

I am sure that all of us were upset and shocked at the scenes that flooded our television screens and social media sites earlier this year as thousands of innocent Afghan people desperately attempted to flee their homeland to escape the tyranny of the Taliban. It is impossible for us to imagine what that must have been like and what it means to arrive in a strange country without any possessions, totally reliant on the charity of others. In light of this, we at T@4 have decided to partner with a charity called ‘Afghan Welcome’ this Christmas and, as a church that has such as focus on family and children, we have set ourselves an incredibly ambitious target to donate a clothing bundle to a refugee Afghan child on behalf of each of the children in our church family – in other words, to donate 50 clothing bundles! Each bundle costs £150 which gives us a goal of £7,500 to raise!

Can you think of ways to get the whole family involved? Could your children take on some tasks at home to earn money for the appeal, for example? Can I ask you all to be praying for this project and to be considering how you could contribute.

As ever, donations can be made via the Trinity at Four app or by clicking this link. All one-off giving from our Christmas services will also be in aid of this appeal.

And if you would like to find out more about Afghan Welcome and the work that they are doing with refugees throughout the country, please do have a look at their website –


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